what's content upcycling?

All too often business and brands spend time and money accumulating content, which they then use once, and effectively throw away. Put simply: lottle's content upcycling approach will teach you how to reduce, reuse and recycle your content over and over again, making the most of your original investment.



You might not need to be posting as often as you are – or, chances are, you've got old content you could be harvesting for original ideas and new-looking posts, rather than commissioning original content. lottle will help you rake through your existing assets and work out a route forwards.


Already posted it? No problem. Don’t leave that expensive video gathering dust: we'll teach you how, when and where to chop it up and re-post it – potentially reaching brand new audiences from those who originally saw it.


Struggling for new ideas? Turn that series of blog posts into an animated video – or snip up articles into a bank of tweets. There are plenty of budget-and-time-friendly ways to meet your content challenges: we'll guide you through the most efficient way to re-purpose your existing assets.